Behind the Scenes

This music ministry project could not have happened without the encouragement and expertise of a variety of people that I wish to highlight and thank. 

In August of 2020, when my ancient digital piano stopped working, I headed to Schmitt Music to select a new one. While trying out the different models, I met one of the staff, Ryan Udairam, of Daring Sound. God absolutely crossed our paths that day, and when I left the store, I knew I would be asking to hire Ryan as the sound designer on this project. It was another year before I contacted him, but he remembered me and I'm thankful that he was interested! Ryan’s energy and passion for music, expert knowledge of the technical aspects needed to beautifully capture and produce sound, and his positive, encouraging outlook, have been a rich blessing. His kindness and focus helped keep things rolling! He knew this was a compilation of my life’s work, and I cherish his sincere professionalism, musical vision and care from start to finish. 

Ryan secured the Terrarium studio in Minneapolis to carry out the audio and video recordings on April 13, 2022. Their kind, professional and experienced staff were wonderful in every way. Jacques Wait completed the final digital mastering.              .

Tony Morrow, of ToMorrow's Media, is my nephew, Austin’s, brother-in-law (Austin married Tony’s lovely sister, Shelby). And, Tony is married to my delightful sister-in-law, Tiffany’s, best friend, Wendy, from high school. You need a chart to follow all that, but that a man of his remarkable talent and skill is already a well-trusted family connection, is a complete, surprising gift. Confidence in Tony is automatic – he is the consummate professional, immensely hard working and focused, with a vision for a final videography product that authentically and artistically portrays his subject matter. Being video-recorded at the piano was a first for me, and I'm overjoyed that Tony was the man behind the camera! 

Joanna Schaus is the heart and talent behind the website design. Her savvy for combining tech skills with artistic gifts, and her authentic grasp of what it means to follow Jesus, is amazing. Check out her website and you will see the genuine beauty of her story and her soul, and the ways her journalism and photography have already begun to impact the world. How God allowed her family’s journey to intersect with mine, is mysterious and packed with significance. Jo worked faithfully with my vision for the website, usually without many specific details to go on! She picked up on my ideas and was immensely patient as plans slowly came into focus. Jo is an exceptionally masterful ray of sunshine and skill!! 

Rachel has her doctorate in religious studies, along with a heart of gold and years of active ministry, so I asked her to edit my essays for reliability in my interpretation of Scripture. As a layperson, it’s important to ensure I haven’t strayed from the truths of Scripture, in the spirit of 2 Timothy 4:2-5: 

“Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.”   

Rachel engenders the spiritual maturity and trust needed for this task, and I knew she could supply the assurance I sought, and any pertinent corrections. She was so kind to agree to offer her time, wisdom and expertise – her encouragement has lifted my heart. 

A team of friends and family offered up prayer over various times during this project. Their willingness to partner with prayer support provided a foundation that I relied on heavily. Because the motivation behind this work was obedience, and it is intended as an ongoing ministry and not to glorify or profit myself, I wanted its development to be built on a bedrock of trust and dedication to how God will use it for His purposes. Knowing others were praying for this, and continue to do so, comforts me mightily.

Finally, my family provided enthusiastic reassurance along the way. They have nurtured my hopes with special conversation and check-ins throughout the process, and of course, throughout all of life. They have always been my biggest fans, and I will always be theirs. All of you mean everything to me.